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in focus

◆American Short Shorts in Tokyo

To everyone who came to the party and to all the companies that helped put the pre-party together, a huge thank you from the Committee for American Short Shorts. And a thank you to Microsoft and for helping us set up the very popular internet web booth in our lobby area.  Another popular area in the lobby was the Heineken beer and pizza bar.  Also, we were very priveledged to have Max Factor assist us in arranging a photo exhibition of the history of Max Factor and Hollywood make-up in conjunction with the 90th anniversary of Max Factor in Hollywood.



And of course we have the two round trip business class tickets on Northwest Airlines through our website for those who answer our questionairre.

We would like to thank all those people who came to the festival, and apologize to those who had to wait in long lines to get in...but we loved the warm reception.

                              Tetsuya Bessho


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