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in focus

◆The festival this year has ended enourmously successful

We are very happy to report that the festival this year has ended enourmously successful. Now the festival moves to Okinawa, for screenings on June 18 and 19.
The festival in Okinawa will feature a real version of the American animation "Gundan", which will be released simultaneously in the U.S. and Japan.
For more information, please click here.


These are our staff t-shirts. We have our logo on the front and our sponsor's names and logos on the back.


We had many requests to sell this year's shirts, but we will hold off on sales until next year.

Thank you for coming to American Short Shorts '99. We had an overwhelming response to the films and the theater was full from the beginning to the end.  Many people waited several hours to get into the theater.

We did try to tell people that no seats were available, but that didn't stop many movie buffs from waiting for a long time.

We would very much like to do the project again next year. We are working to make that a reality. But to improve on our product, we would love to hear from you.  Please send us your impressions and your suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

This festival was a product of the hard work of hundreds of people.  We are striving to make our future events even better!

                              Tetsuya Bessho


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