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photo 1. Puppies for Sale
(Heart Warming) 9min / 16mm / Director: Ron Krauss

An ordinary pet shop is visited by a young boy looking for a puppy. The owner shows the boy a group of puppies, and for some reason, the boy wants the puppy with a limp.
28.8k 56k Windows Media Player File

2. Lily and Jim
(Animation) 14min / 35mm / Director: Don Hertzfeldt

This film is an animation based on the ins and outs of a blind date from the point of view of a man and a woman. Talk over the dinner table is not the only subject matter that flops. And nothing gets much better until the two of them make it back to her house.
28.8k 56k Windows Media Player File

3. Visas and Virtue
(Human Drama) 26min / 35mm / Director: Chris Tashima

It's 1943 in Nazi controlled Lithuania. Jews being persecuted by the Nazis cross the Polish border looking for the Japanese Ambassador to Lithuania, Mr. Sugihara. He is their only hope for survival. Even though Mr. Sugihara is told he must leave Lithuania and move to Berlin, Mr. Sugihara issues thousands of Japanese visas to the Jewish people who seek him out.
28.8k 56k Windows Media Player File

4. Dirt
(Black Humor) 4min / Director: Chel White

A monologue of a unique man. He tells us how he loved to put dirt all over himself, even in his ears, when he was a kid. Then he began to eat dirt, and in no time, he could grow his own food, a model of true ecological perfection.
28.8k 56k Windows Media Player File

5. The Robber
(Suspense) 13min / 35mm / Director: Michael Mayer

After a woman discovers a robber in her house, she decides the best thing to do is lock him in. With no way out, the robber decides he make a great meal for himself and the lady's dog. Then the police come...

6. Reassurance
(Human Drama) 12min / 16mm / Director: Roye Segal

A film about a student working to pay his tuition. He goes from selling encyclopedias to selling deposit plans for gravesites. He gathers money from deeply religious, poor blacks. His business was going very well until one day everything changed.

7. THX1138 4EB
(Lucas Film) 15min / Director: George Lucas

Award winning student film and the beginning of George Lucas' launch into the world of science fiction. An inmate in a detention center is monitored by cameras and computers as he tries to escape. But no matter how great the technology, it can't beat the sheer will of the inmate determined to get out.


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