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photo 1. 78
(Black Humor) 3min / 35mm / Director: Noah Edesion

A film that takes place on a road with the marker 78. There, a little kid jumps on top of a manhole and calls "78, 78." A man approaches the boy asking about what's inside. We never see the answer to that question, but the boy makes sure the man gets a first hand look.
Windows Media Player File

2. Repetition Compulsion
(Animation) 7min / 35mm / Director: Ellie Lee

Men control women to build their own self-confidence. This animation touches on domestic violence as told through the eyes of a female victim. A unique examination into how and why domestic violence is a growing problem in the United States today.

3. Turkey. Cake.
(Black Humor) 30min / Director: Sean Whalen

A game is started among seven friends who have gathered for Thanksgiving dinner. Through the game, the complex relationships among these friends unravels before our eyes.

4. Phil Touches Flo
(Comedy) 7min / 35mm / Director: David Birdsell

What would you do if you found a heavy-set guy tied up to a tree? And then you saw a little dog named Flo? What if a man with a stun gun came after you? You'll see what happens in this wild comedy.
Windows Media Player File

5. The Face
(Suspense) 23min / 35mm / Director: Lan McCaig

For kids in this neighborhood, there is a house where their imaginations run wild. There, they can meet an old man with "the Face." The old man dons the mask and tells wonderful tales. The kids learn that the mask is more than a toy, but a vehicle that allows you to go wherever you want.

6. Smoked
(Comedy) 9min / 35mm / Director: Pat Verducci

In this film, there is only one way to quit smoking. A woman hires an expert in the art of kicking the habit. After throwing away all the cigarettes in the house, the house is nailed shut and the woman has no way of lighting up...but can she stand it?

7. Marcello I'm So Bored
(Lucas Film) 8min / Director: George Lucas

A student film by George Lucas
An animated film that sarcastically examines how people from different walks of life can become bored when looking at the goings on of rock and rollers, bikers or socialites, when they are nor involved themselves.


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