『Ave Maria』 コミカルにパレスチナ問題を考えよう! カンヌ特集プログラム
『Ave Maria』

“Ave Maria” is a comedy film that captures the issue of Palestine in a very casual manner. You will giggle during the film and laugh out loud at the end! But each scene contains a deep message…!

After watching “Ave Maria”, I felt closer to Palestine, the people who live in Palestine, and the complicated issue that is going on right now. Some may find if offensive that such a complicated issue has been turned into comedy. However, by softening the perspective, it makes the viewer feel closer to the issue. After watching “Ave Maria”, don’t just think about Palestine. Why not look at other issues going on around the world or your local community/society in a comical and surreal manner? Such a perspective might help you find a solution faster than you expected.
Details are here
- ライター情報 (日本語) すらすら
(日本語) 「映画を観る時間がない…」「長い映画は苦手!」という方に、ショートフィルムはとってもおすすめです!短い時間でも、奥深いテーマと繊細な描写が詰め込まれているショートフィルム。まるでエスプレッソのような味わい深いショートフィルムの世界をご紹介します!