ロバート・デニーロが幽霊(ゴースト)役で主演!? |インターナショナルプログラム7
The international program will contain showings of a collection of high quality short films from around the world. The best film will be chosen from among them and put forward to contest the Grand Prix alongside the Asia International & Japan best short film.
The short film chosen for the Grand Prix will then be put forward to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and earn the right to contest the Academy Awards. This is an official competition where film makers who are aiming for Oscar glory compete fiercely against each other for the prize. Among these is a special showing of International program 7 short film, “Ellis”.
In the film De Niro reminisces from the viewpoint of an Ellis Island ghost in an abandoned building. Moving emotively through the abandoned building which is full of portrait photos, it tells the tale of the sights and circumstances of the day in a beautiful and poignant way.

While the theme of immigration is one with which a Japanese audience is still unfamiliar, it’s is likely that, with the international situation being what it is, and the ongoing changes to Japanese society, this is a theme with which we will become more closely acquainted.

The film is directed by French street artist, JR. Based in Paris and New York, JR is involved in art activities throughout the world. Besides being a street artist, he also turns his hand to film-making and photography. His appearance at “TED2011” was much talked about, and his novel, fresh approach to art has drawn considerable attention.

There is an Audience Award for both the International Program category and Asia International & Japan Program category, and everybody has one vote each. Voting slips will be handed out upon entrance and voters can cast their votes after they have watched the films. The winner of the Audience Award will be announced for each program after all of the films have been shown.
Ellis is screens International program7 Details are here!
- ライター情報 (日本語) オニーバ
(日本語) ショートフィルムの楽しさを少しでも多くの人に伝えられたらなと思っています。 “無料上映”ですし、ぜひ、ショートショート フィルムフェスティバル & アジア 2016へ足を運んでください。見終わった後には、本当に無料!?と疑いたくなる良作ばかりです。