東南アジアの「今」をお届け! 東南アジアプログラム&シンポジウム

Last year, we aired films from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Singapore, East Timor, and Philippines. In this year’s Southeast Asia program & symposium, we picked out films from 5 countries, Myanmar, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Brunei. Each country has its difficulty with film production for various reasons, but there are many unique and wonderful pieces being created.

Southeast Asia program & symposium are both free to attend. Not only will you be able to watch rare short films from Southeast Asia in a theater, you can also learn about “current events” of the short film industry of Southeast Asia… You cannot afford to miss this! The symposium will only be held once, but the short films will be aired multiple times, so you will probably be able to find the time to join us. We hope you will enjoy the films the symposium!
Details are here
- ライター情報 (日本語) 岡村友梨子
(日本語) イギリスのロンドン大学キングス・カレッジで映画学の修士号を取得後、拠点をドイツ・ベルリンへ移し、映画のプロダクションとキューレーションに携わる。執筆のご依頼やメッセージはyurikokamura@gmail.comまで。
Twitterアカウント: lily0146