Save the Earth! Competition
OverView / Save the Earth! Competition
“STOP! Global Warming Competition,” established with the “Challenge 25 Campaign,” was re-born as the “Save the Earth! Competition” in 2013. This year, we have selected 8films out of the 120submitted shorts from around the globe. The J-WAVE Award endorsed by J-WAVE, Tokyo’s #1 FM radio station, will be awarded to a “Save the Earth! Competition” winner by J-WAVE listeners.
Save the Earth! Competition Best Short Award (Minister’s Award, the Ministry of Environment)・・・An award selected by the jury, given to the best film in the Save the Earth! Competition.
Save the Earth! Competition J-WAVE Award・・・J-WAVE listeners will choose the award winner from the Save the Earth! Competition.
Save the Earth! Competition Best Short Award (Minister’s Award, the Ministry of Environment)
J-WAVE Award
Winner:Helene Moltke-Leth
Helene Moltke-Leth Winner’s Comment
I was extremely touched and honoured when I received both the Best Short Award and the J-Ware Award. It has been such a struggle to make this film. I am a single mother to a little boy and I downsize my life substantially to make this film. Nobody wanted to fund my film. Even though I think my film have a very important message to the world. My film is spot on about, that we in the rich part of the world, are so stress out that we don’t have time for being good loving people anymore and we are basically consuming our planet to dearth. In the poor part of the world they are starving or living under despicable conditions, so nobody is happy. Mankind have to remember that we are nature too and we cannot survived if we keep on raping nature in our constant starve after money.
An art film about stress.
Details are here >>
Jurors / Save the Earth! Competition Jurors
The Committee has selected jurors from diverse industry backgrounds with unique points of view. Jurors will award The Best Short Award from Save the Earth! Competition