5プログラムから総勢24名のゲストが登場! 6月11日ラフォーレミュージアム原宿会場 上映プログラムレポート
Saturday in the city. Sweltering hot outside. Cool screening room & hot short films from around the world.
The day began with 3 sets of guests for the post-screening Q&A. PIA SHAH returned to Japan following a trip last month to shoot some Tokyo street scenes for a Tokyo City project. Her short “Waterbaby” was received very well & she told the audience that the young boy who played the lead role of a boy who’s scared of the water was actually a very good swimmer & he had to act like he was uncomfortable in the water.
IK-TONG RYO was here to represent his doc short “Joseon – Korea” about a young Korean college student who is attending UC Berkeley without a passport. She is one of the many Koreans who reside in Japan, some with Japanese passports & some with just “residence cards. The short is all about identity & people without a country which is a subject that is current & applies to other areas of the world.
Director YUKINORI MAKABE brought his star & singer/songwriter YURIFA MATSUMOTO who’s song “You Named Me Blue” is the base & inspiration for this highly artistic short. Exquisitely shot, the director told the audience that he wanted to make a visual storytelling film after making several narrative style films.

KAITLIN TINKER came to talk about her excellent short “The Man Who Caught A Mermaid” raised many questions from the audience. The audience was surprised when whe revealed that no CG effects were used & that the mermaid was all prosthetics & special make-up work. A great example of dedication to one’s craft even at a short film level.
KRISTOF DEAK’s short “Sing” is a Whiplash-like short about a elementary school chorus & the new girl who is confronted by the ambitious choir master. The 2 lead girls were wonderful & the audience was very interested to hear that the one that could sing beautifully in the film actually couldn’t sing but was a very good actor & the one who couldn’t sing that well in the story was actually a very good singer.
LULU WANG was 1st up for her short “Flip Flops” about a young couple who have a spat on the way to the beach & the girl wakes up after a nap to find her boyfriend missing. It’s beautifully shot & Lulu had to hurry for the “golden time” shots as the sun went down rather quickly at their location.
“Every Time We Say Goodbye” is a bittersweet short about a husband who tries to make his dying wife’s last days the best of their time together. They go on a hunt for a mystical snake & in the process you see the joy in their relationship through their sense of humour & the obvious love that they have for each other. Brilliantly written & directed by Kenji Qarata & top-notch acting by MASAYUKI MAEKAWA & SHIO MURAKAMI who played the man & wife. A real joy of a short film!
Last up was YUSAKU OKAMOTO for his short “Hana,” based on the 1st Book Short winning submission based on a story by famed Japanese writer Ryunosuke Akutagawa. The story about a high school girl who wakes up one morning to find that her small breasts had suddenly become rather big & found that outward appearances doesn’t necessarily mean that happiness follows. But that was a fin Q&A talking about breast sizes & special prosthetics with the director & members of the audience!

TIM ELLRICH’s “BATHTUB” (Germany) was also well received & he told the audience that this story about 3 brothers who try to re-create a childhood picture of themselves in a bathtub was based on his own family experiences.
EMILIA ZIELONKA came out to talk about her powerful short “Tenderness” about a young girl & her boyfriend who has to suffer through a self-induced abortion in a hotel room because abortions are illegal in her native Poland. The girl who played the lead was absolutely brilliant & we were stunned when the director told us that the actress was a novice & that was her very 1st movie role! WOW!!
Doğuş Özokutan Çiftcioğlu & Vasvi Çiftcioğlu came out from Cyprus along with their leading lady to represent “Random Attempts.” This dark comedy about a depressed, suicidal woman has a shocking & unexpected ending & they told the audience that they really wanted to show the fine line between the desire to take one’s own life & the will to overcome that feeling & decide to live on. Well done!
Finally young Swedish director Anja Lind whose film “Agnes” is about a 6-yr-old girl who loves her brother so much she doesn’t want his girlfriend in the house! Anja told the audience that she young Sigfrid was the actress to play Agnes the minute she walked in for her audition!

The final program today had 2 shorts represented for the Q&A. Director & lead actor Hiroyuki Shintani brought his 2 co-stars with im to talk about his “Kamisori” which means razor in Japanese. This ultimately very tense story about a barber getting ready to shave his customer who might have been sleeping with his wife was written, directed, acted & edited by the director with basically just a DP to take of cinematography duties.
Last up was Hiroto Hara, a director from the up & coming Babel Label film production company. His short “That’s No Meaning” featured once hot comedian Yoshio Kojima who plays himself & comes to the rescue of a young girl who is trying to snap her father about of a deep depression following the death of her mother in car accident. The ending which starts out with a comedic gag between the daughter & father but turns into a very emotional final scene really affected the audience & the laughter turning into tears affect was exactly what director Hara was shooting for!

WOW! What a great day of screenings audience participation Q&A’S! See ya all tomorrow.
DJ John
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