Asia International Program2
An official competition program of international short films that presents works from throughout Asia, with the exception of Japan.
Starring Akutagawa Prize winner Naoki Matayoshi
What is this bar doing in the middle of a city? The menu was a list of plum wines by region. All this is, is a plum wine bar, I thought. But the wine that I tasted there far surpassed the simplicity I had assumed of the place…
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Montek, a Sikh boy is about to turn thirteen. Whilst tying his turban in the morning his mother asks him what he wants for his birthday. He doesn’t respond. If he tells her what he wants, she won’t let him have it.
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Seide lives a free, adventurous life, until one day she is faced with an arranged marriage. Her well-wishing family, unable to offer her education, decides she is better off married. Seide soon learns that her freedom is not the thing only she is about to lose.
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While Kishida is taking an interview for a documentary about filmmaking, he receives a call from a young film director who asks him to work as the producer for almost nothing. Kishida understands her passion, but is not convinced. The story portrays stress and conflicts that independent filmmakers go through daily.
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