Date: June 4, 2024 (Tue) - June 17, 2024 (Mon), Online venue: April 25, 2024 (Thu) - June 30, 2024 (Sun)


SSFF & ASIA 2024 Outline

Tuesday, 4th June – Monday, 17th June

Online Screenings
Thursday, April 25th – Sunday, June 30th

Screening Venues
Screening Venues: Omotesando Hills Space O, Euro Live, Akasaka Intercity Conference, Futakotamagawa Rise Studio & Hall, MIKAN SHIMOKITA, Online Venue.
*Schedules varies by venue.

Short Films
Approximately 270 selected works from 4936 films collected from approximately 114 countries and regions around the world will be screened.
Free (* Special events will have an admission charge)
Committee for Short Shorts / Committee for Short Shorts Film Festival Asia
* All events, films and schedules are subject to change.

SSFF & ASIA 2024 Theme

Illuminate Your Life

Based on this year’s theme ‘Illuminate Your Life”, AI-generated visuals was created.

Illuminate Your Life


SSFF & ASIA has digitalized distribution of printed materials such as tickets and flyers from 2020. SSFF & ASIA has started to implement SDGs step by step.
In addition, we will continue to develop programs with themes like “Diversity,” “War and the Power to Live,” and “Save the Earth!” The festival will work to raise awareness of SDGs through programs like the “Ladies foe Cinema Project” and various awards for these and other SDGs themed programs.



What is Short Film?

Short film is a cinematic piece of work that ranges from lengths as short as 1 minute to as long as approximately 30 minutes. For the Official Competition of SSFF & ASIA, submitted works are restricted to less than 25 minutes. Despite its short length, there is a wide variety in these works such as drama, animation, and documentary and many of the stories are rich in wit and cinematic expression that can only be possible given the short length of the piece.

There are quite a few directors who started out their careers making short films such as George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, and Steven Spielberg, and there are many short films that have famous actors appear in them as well. Furthermore, short films provide a format that cultivates the talent of up and coming filmmakers, and film festivals are a gateway for their success.

How would you like to witness the possibilities of future filmmakers at this film festival?

Background of the SSFF & ASIA

In 1999, actor Tetsuya Bessho, member of the Screen Actors Guild of America (SAG), has worked to introduce the then new genre, “short films,” which he first encountered in the United States, to film fans in Japan as the American Short Shorts Film Festival.

In 2001, the festival was renamed the Short Shorts Film Festival.

In 2004, SSFF was recognized as an Academy Award® accredited film festival.

In the same year, SSFF was established with the aim of promoting new visual culture from Asia and nurturing up-and-coming young filmmakers. The Short Shorts Film Festival Asia (SSFF ASIA, co-sponsored by Tokyo Metropolitan Government) was established and the festival is now known collectively as SSFF & ASIA.

To commemorate the festival’s 20th anniversary in 2018, the Grand Prix film was named the “George Lucas Award” in honor of director George Lucas.

In January 2019, the Short Shorts Film Festival in Hollywood was held to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the festival. In addition, beginning with the 2019 festival, in addition to the International, Asia International, and Japan, the Non-Fiction Competition and this year, the Animation Competition Best Short winners have also become eligible for nomination at the Academy Awards the following year. SSFF & ASIA will continue to support young creators through the festival.


Message from the Governor of Tokyo

Koike Yuriko

Tokyo Tokyo

It gives me great pleasure as Governor of Tokyo to welcome you to the Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2024, an event co-organized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Over the years, Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia has grown to become one of Asia’s preeminent international short film festivals. And, this year marks the 26th edition of the festival. Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia showcases films that contain messages condensed into a short time frame by creators brimming with youth and talent. I am very pleased that this festival has served as a springboard to launch the career of many talented creators on to the world stage from Tokyo.
Many creative films of various genres that feature Tokyo as a theme have once again been submitted for a wonderful Cinematic Tokyo Competition. Competition entries are not limited to films that use Tokyo as the location. Films that feature content that evokes the feel of the city or that of an imaginary Tokyo are also included, making the competition an intersection of diverse viewpoints related to the city. Tokyo boasts a sophisticated urban environment and a rich history and culture passed down from the Edo period. By continuing to hold this competition, I am certain that over time the people of the world will come to know the diverse attractions of Tokyo in more vivid detail.
Films produced as part of the Sustainable Recovery Project show the city, its residents and visitors, and other aspects of Tokyo as it works toward becoming a sustainable city. Through these films, I hope that audiences will not only enjoy the fascinating storylines, but also gain a true sense of how Tokyo is evolving for a sustainable future.
The international situation is unstable and constantly changing. Global issues such as wars and the increasingly severe climate crisis are posing a growing threat to our future. Amid such circumstances, films are a source of inspiration and enjoyment in life. They enrich our hearts and help us form a deeper connection with others. This, I believe, will serve as great encouragement as we work to overcome these crises. Through this festival, I hope that the dreams and hope generated by the films will provide momentum for realizing a society filled with diversity for a bright future.
In closing I would like to express my respect for the tireless efforts made by everyone involved, and extend my best wishes for the success of Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2024.

Koike Yuriko Governor of Tokyo

Koike Yuriko

Message from the President of Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia
Tetsuya Bessho


Because short films can be made in short period of time, they are more easily and quickly produced and reflect the “now,” and honestly express the feelings of each filmmaker. Short films from around the world capture the what the filmmakers are experiencing, such as wars, disasters, immigration and gender issues.
This year, which started with the news of continuing conflicts and disasters, the film festival has adopted the theme, “Illuminate Your Life ~Illuminate Life, Illuminate the World.” We hope to shed light on the viewers’ own lives through the short films and create a place where empathy, discovery, and emotions are born, and to open one’s eyes to the world around us.
For the first time in the history of the festival, there will be a short film produced entirely by AI, a story set in a Palestinian refugee camp, a documentary created from smartphone footage of survivors of a missile attack, amidst a backdrop of religious and cultural differences. This year’s film festival attracted many films depicting “life” and “living,” including stories that appeal to a more diverse world.
Last year, SSFF & ASIA launched LIFE LOG BOX, a platform of asset management for creators, and as a film festival that continues to evolve, we have started new initiatives such as inviting short films through this platform for the 2024 film festival.
This year, for the first time, an online market will be held in order to connect the films of creators with distribution companies, online platforms, broadcasting stations, and other film festivals to create business opportunities for both parties. Please come and experience the ever-evolving film festival and feel the current state of the world!

Message from Festival Ambassador


The season to enjoy short films has come again this year!
Of course you can watch them all year round, but the Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia will feature these short films it’s a time and place to make new friends and have wonderful new encounters. How can you surprise and leave an impact on the world within a limited amount of time?
Learn about the cultures of countries you’ve never visited, and what’s necessary for our earth.
The possibilities for short films are endless.
How the creators communicate these things to everyone is the main focus and the most exciting aspect of the festival for the viewers.
There are many events this year as well.
We are looking forward to seeing our regular festival lovers again, and of course we warmly welcome those of you who have decided to immerse yourself in the world of short films this year.

SSFF & ASIA Social Media Navigators & Partners



A YouTube channel where film lovers get together and talk about whatever they want, with RaMu, Jagamond Saito and Anko acting as MCs and providing information on new and old films of interest.

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Daisuke Ojisan

Daisuke Ojisan

I am very honoured to be entrusted with the great role of SSFF & ASIA’s Social Media Navigator again this year.
I hope to introduce events and short films in an easy-to-understand way from a soft and gentle perspective.
I am also the producer of D EXPO, an event that connects film lovers with people, things and matters related to film, and I write a column on Brillia SHORTSHORTS THEATER ONLINE (BSSTO).

  • instagram

DIZ cinema activist

DIZ cinema activist

A freelance film activist who works to spread the wonders of cinema to as many people as possible. She organises experiential film events such as the Wes Anderson World Exhibition and Welcome to Nightmare Alley, edits social networking plans for film and drama distribution services, writes copy and contributes reviews of various films, and works outside the box.

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Yasumi Nakayama, representative of iScreen Inc.

Yasumi Nakayama, representative of iScreen Inc.

Born 1991 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.
From 2015, she experienced her major debut as a main member of an idol group while working as a member of the group’s first term.
After graduating from the group, she started producing videos while disseminating information as an influencer, and established the video production company iScreen Inc. in November 2021. She is in charge of talent management, filming and editing.

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Launched in 2012 under the theme “Let’s meet good films.”, Filmarks is one of the largest film, drama and animation review services in Japan. The number of reviews has now exceeded 100 million. It has also started handling TV dramas since 2017 and TV animations since 2020.
Based on the function to check and post reviews of video works, the service can be used as a ‘record of works watched’, a ‘memo/reminder of works to watch’ and a ‘communication tool to enjoy sharing impressions and information on works’.
It also operates the project ‘Pre-ticket’, which will screen masterpieces in cinemas from 2021.

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Asian Movie Pulse

Asian Movie Pulse

A web media outlet that presents all aspects of Asian cinema with objectivity and a deep love of cinema. It interviews as many filmmakers as possible and tries to show their thoughts and objectives regarding their work. It also puts you in touch with Asian actors, producers, crews and people working in the wider industry, as well as anime, TV dramas, books, manga and music.

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Cunard Line

Milbon Co., Ltd.

Hoppy Beverage co.


Digital Hollywood Co., Ltd.


The JIKEI COM Group of Colleges

Futakotamagawa Rise

U25 Project Partner

Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.

Digital Innovation Partner

Deloitte Digital

Web 3.0 Partner

DeCurret DCP Inc.

Creative Partner


Media Partners

J-WAVE, Inc.



Media Supporters

Kinema Junposha., Ltd


English Media Supporter

Kyodo News Plus

Festival Supporters

MORI Building

Equipment Supporter


War and the Power To Live Program Special Support

International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC)

Tokyo Tokyo Festival