Date: October 17th - October 27th, 2024, ONLINE: September 26th - November 7th, 2024


Craft Stories Around Japan Program



Online Screening

OnlinescheduleOnline Screening
Online Screening2024.9.26 [Thu] - 11.7 [Thu]
  • Onlineonly

    Grandpa’s Kata Yuzen

    Grandfather’s retirement means the loss of another craftsman who has the traditional technique. Before they discard the atelier where he has been working for years and his precious tools, I want to capture them in the film as a memento of how he worked.

    Ikumi Okazaki / 0:04:13 / Japan / Non-fiction / 2023

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    It has been several years since fireworks festivals have been cancelled in a city famous for its fireworks.
    A woman stands in front of a poster with a sticker on top informing her that the festival has been "cancelled." Curious, she peels off the sticker to find a hole that should not exist...

    Hiroshi Takano / 0:05:15 / Japan / Fantasy / 2021

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    Passing the Baton

    Niida-Honke is a family-owned sake brewery in Fukushima. While finishing a brand new series of organic sake for their 300th anniversary, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant exploded. With no radiation detected in their products, Yasuhiko Niida decided to persevere. He continues to rebuild the community and the village's bright future for the children.

    Toko Shiiki / 21:12 / USA, Japan / Non-fiction / 2018

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    Deep blue

    Yukiko reluctantly returns home with her son Haruki for the 13th anniversary of her mother's death. Her family makes traditional hand-dyed cloth so her father and brother's hands are a deep blue color. At first her parents aren't very welcoming or receptive and she begins to regret returning home.

    Kazuhito Nakae / 0:20:00 / Japan / Drama / 2011

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    Five Colors ~Dyeing and Weaving artisan~

    At a weaving studio called "Itsuiro" in Goshiki-cho, Sumoto City, in Hyogo Prefecture, Eri Yamashita, a dyeing and weaving artist, weaves thread in silence. She dyes and weaves yarns using methods learned from the old traditional way of life, but her goal of holding a solo exhibition in Tokyo unexpectedly comes to be...

    Tomoya Inaoka / 0:05:00 / Japan / Non-fiction / 2022

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    Kaede, a junior high school student, and her tofu maker father have been at odds since she lost her mother. One morning, she heads to the beach where she used to go with her mother. Kaede feels her mother's presence in the sky and releases her pain listening to the azure waves. As she shares memories of her mother with her father, their relationship begins to change.

    Hiroyuki Nishiyama / 0:14:56 / Japan / Drama / 2022


Committee for Short Shorts Film Festival Asia




Tokyo Metropolitan Government




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