Date: October 17th - October 27th, 2024, ONLINE: September 26th - November 7th, 2024


Current Events

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    A man dressed in blue waits, thirsty, in a badly ventilated room. The arrival of a man dressed in red pulling a beautiful water bottle dispenser causes a conflict between the two, culminating in an epic war between two red and blue armies.

    Lisa Sallustio / 0:11:33 / France / Comedy / 2024

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    Save the Earth! Minister's Award, the Ministry of the Environment


    Heat reaches unbearable levels in an unknown village, forcing its inhabitants to seek extreme solutions in order to survive.
    Everyday life is shaped by the whims of the sun, assuming a dreamlike... and baleful touch.

    Manuel Vitali / 0:08:07 / Italy / Comedy / 2022

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    A Dream For My Daughter

    Inspired by the tragic loss of Southeast Asians smuggled inside a shipping container in Europe, "A Dream for My Daughter" unfolds in Cambodia. It follows Pheak, a crab catcher, reeling from his daughter's death abroad. Amidst his grief and the challenges of repatriating her body, an encounter with her spirit in a mangrove compels him to confront his sorrow and find closure.

    Mauricio Osaki / 0:24:00 / Cambodia, Japan / Drama / 2024

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    Passing the Baton

    Niida-Honke is a family-owned sake brewery in Fukushima. While finishing a brand new series of organic sake for their 300th anniversary, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant exploded. With no radiation detected in their products, Yasuhiko Niida decided to persevere. He continues to rebuild the community and the village's bright future for the children.

    Toko Shiiki / 21:12 / USA, Japan / Non-fiction / 2018


Committee for Short Shorts Film Festival Asia




Tokyo Metropolitan Government




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