Director’s comment ; SSFF & ASIA 2017 GRAND PRIX & Official Competition Asia International Award Winner『Sugar & Spice』

Director’s comment ; SSFF & ASIA 2017 GRAND PRIX & Official Competition Asia International Award Winner『Sugar & Spice』

SSFF & ASIA 2017 GRAND PRIX & Official Competition Asia International Award Winner 『Sugar & Spice』


Sugar & Spice

Mi mi Lwin/16:04/Myanmar/Documentary/2016


Director: Mi mi Lwin

Q1 Comment on Award Winning

I am very delighted having received two awards at shortshorts film festival and Asia 2017. It encourages me to continue making films and increase my confidence. Thank you so much for the crew members who helped me to make this film possible. I live in a country where they believe men are better than women. I grew up with such cultural taboos. That’s why when I received these awards, I am very proud of myself as a woman filmmaker from Myanmar. I believe women can do it.
I really appreciate to Yangon Film School because it’s only the school in Myanmar where we, who eager to learn filmmaking can learn with international level easily with free of charges without discrimination of gender. I’m very proud of being a student of the Yangon Film School since it has made my life big changes from a normal girl into the international winning award filmmaker!
Heart felt thanks to the film festival for selecting our films to screen at the festival. Film festivals are a great platform to share our films, without them we wouldn’t able to show our films. Films are a great way to learn more about the world and oneself.


Q2 What’s the highlight of your film?

An exquisitely tender and beautiful portrait of my parents that subtle and complex and hints at the political and economic context of their lives.
In this film, my parents who live under the same roof with different opinion of live , are struggling their daily lives. The story of their struggling reflects the lives of grassroots.


Q3 Why did you decide to submit your film to SSFF & ASIA? What is the purpose of submmitting your film to film festivals?

The Yangon Film School has been submitting student films to International Film Festival since 2010. One reason is, that we want the world to see films that were made by students in Myanmar. Not many people know how people in Myanmar live and what the daily struggle and the cultural wealth and diversity of the country has to offer. And on the other hand we want our students to travel to festivals, get recognition for their work and exchange knowledge with filmmakers from other countries.