Three Japanese short films win awards at Short. Sweet. Film Fest (USA)!

Three Japanese short films win awards at Short. Sweet. Film Fest (USA)!

Yuki Saito’s “Shabu-Shabu Spirit”, produced by Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, was awarded “Best Short Sweet. Film” at Short Sweet Film Fest, held in Ohio, USA from March 4th to 6th, 2016. Furthermore, Keisuke Hakomori’s “barrier” and Takato Hosoi’s “Blind Tasting” received the Best International Film and the International Honorable Mention respectively. Congratulations to all these filmmakers!


<Best Short. Sweet. Film>

“Shabu-Shabu Spirit” (Directed by Yuki Saito, 2015)


<Best International Film>

“barrier” (Directed by Keisuke Hakomori, 2015)


<International Honorable Mention>

“Blind Tasting” (Directed by Takato Hosoi, 2015)