Report: Daishi Kato, the director of “camouflage” attended International Children’s Film Festival 2015 in November!

Report: Daishi Kato, the director of “camouflage” attended International Children’s Film Festival 2015 in November!

International Children’s Film Festival 2015 was held in Hyderabad, India from November 14 ~ 20, 2015. It gathered together a vast selection of films from around the globe, and as “camouflage” was included in this, I had the opportunity to attend the festival.

After mentioning to the airport immigration staff that I was here to attend a film festival, I was given a 15-minute account of how wonderful Indian film is; I had a sense of just how much of a film powerhouse India is before even passing through the immigration gates.There were numerous film festival signboards and gates throughout the city, and I had the impression that the whole city was participating in the festival.


The main venue for the screenings was Prasads IMAX. In the intervals between screenings there were theatrical and dance performances to watch. It was a very relaxed set up, where audience members there to see screenings could also join the stage.


The lobby outside was full of audience members!


There were also many media representatives present, busy carrying out interviews.


As the event was an international children’s film festival, there were many animations and dramas starring young actors. Indian children also made up at least half of the festival attendees. I was worried about whether those watching would understand “camouflage” and get the message that I wished to put across, but following the screenings I was happy to hear lots of positive feedback and receive many questions

Daishi Kato, director of “A Piece of Dogu”, the winner of the SSFF & ASIA 2014 Japan Competition Audience Award, was in attendance.Here I am with some of the younger festival attendees!


I was able to gauge the local reaction to my film first hand whilst attending the festival, and was so happy to see overseas audiences watching my film. Thank you very much to everyone over in India!