【Report】Busan International Film Festival / Asian Film Market

【Report】Busan International Film Festival / Asian Film Market

Asian Film Market (AFM), with Busan International Film Festival, the largest film festival in Asia, is happening right now, and one of the Short Shorts staff has joined. The main purpose is to expand the business chances of Japanese short films and also to explore international short films.
Busan Int’ FF, as the largest film festival in Asia, many Japanese distribution companies and buyers come to sell/buy ther films. Not only feature films, they also have short film programs to show the variety of Asian film industry. Our 2014 Grand Prix winner, Yosep Angi Noen from Indonesia, also comes to Busan with his brand new short film, “Love Story Not.”
AFM, just started today at BEXCO, the biggest convention center in Busan. Not only Asian countries, such as Korea, Taiwan or Japan, some companies from Europe and North America do have their booth to promote their films. This large market is also considered one of the important film market around the world.
The venues of this film festival locate at the popular beach, Heaundae Beach of Busan, and there are many festival flags and posters throughout the city. All city celebrate the 20th Anniversary of this festival!
We will report again about a screening in this week, so please stay turned!