[Awards!] “Coward”, “My secret school days”, and “Novela PICARESCA” was awarded by Short. Sweet. FilmFest in the USA!

[Awards!] “Coward”, “My secret school days”, and “Novela PICARESCA” was awarded by Short. Sweet. FilmFest in the USA!

“Coward”, “My secret school days”, and “Novela PICARESCA” was awarded by Short. Sweet. FilmFest in the USA! A big congratulations to the directors and all the staffs, including “TEZUTSU -fire flower town-” which was nominated for the festival as well.

With seven festivals under their belt, the eighth annual Short. Sweet. FilmFest aims to showcase films under 30 minutes to the growing art scene in the greater Cleveland area and highlight the works of student filmmakers across the country. The festival looks for the best short films locally, nationally, and internationally!

Festival Period:March 1 – 3, 2019

Screening Date:March 3, 2019: 6:40pm – 9:30pm

Venue:Alex Theater, Cleveland, USA

Event Title:Program 2 (International)

Screening Films (Director):
Coward (Director: Yuma Terada)

My Secret School Days (Director: Yoko Asano)

Tezutsu Fire Flower Town (Director: Tatsuya Ino)

Novela PICARESCA (Director: kenji qurata)
