Masterclass Naomi Kawase 〜Dangle Your Feet and Connect with the World〜 video is out now!

Masterclass Naomi Kawase 〜Dangle Your Feet and Connect with the World〜 video is out now!

Masterclass Naomi Kawase
〜Dangle Your Feet and Connect with the World〜 video is out now!

Date: June 10th (Fri)
Time: 17:30~19:10
Location: Laforet Museum Harajuku






Naomi Kawase

Kawase continues to make films in Nara, where she was born and raised.
1989 Graduates from Visual Arts Osaka Professional Total Creative (f.k.a. Osaka Institute of Photography) with a degree in Filmmaking Her independent films “Especially for You” and “Katsumori” premiere at the 1995 Yamagata International Documentary Festival, and attracts attention both locally and internationally
1997 Her theatrical debut “Suzaku” makes her the youngest Camera d’Or recipient at the Cannes Film Festival 2007 Returns to Cannes with “The Mourning Forest,” which wins the Grand Prix
2009 Receives the Carrosse d’Or from the Directors’ Fortnight
2013 Serves as a jurist for Cannes films in competition
2015 Receives the Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters from the French Minister of Culture
2016 Serves as the President of the CInefondation and Short Films Jury In addition to directing, Kawase produces commercials, writes essays, and continues to express her creativity in boundless forms. She is the executive director of this year’s Nara International Film Festival.
Twitter: @KawaseNAOMI