[Report] Comment from Tsukasa Kishimoto, director of “Kerama Blue,” following his attendance at BALINALE International Film Festival!

[Report] Comment from Tsukasa Kishimoto, director of “Kerama Blue,” following his attendance at BALINALE International Film Festival!

Six films from SSFF & ASIA 2015 screened at BALINALE International Film Festival, which

kicked off in Bali, Indonesia on August 24. In addition, Tsukasa Kishimoto, director of

“Kerama Blue,” was in attendance at the Closing Ceremony!


“The Bali Film Festival finale began as I listened to the relaxing sound of the waves and the

soft evening wind brushed gently against my skin. The closing ceremony took place on a

coastal resort hotel terrace and unfolded much as a laidback outdoor jazz concert.


It was organized in a flexible and relaxed way that welcomed unexpected additions. Everyone

held a glass of wine or beer whilst taking time to enjoy Balinese culture, the occasional

sound of traditional dance performances passing by in the background. The award winners

moved to the stage and showed their smiles.


Here they were met with similar smiles on the

faces of the audience members. These smiles were there thanks to a film festival built off of

a pure love of film, and not because of the awards themselves. I came here to participate

with my short film and watched it screen outdoors on the beach. You could say that the film

itself was “moved by the wind.” The kind of nostalgia that such a screening brought about is

something that fitted perfectly with the Bali, while the special experience is something that

you would struggle to have anywhere else these days.

As the ceremony reached its peak, the crescent moon showed its face between the breaks in the cloud. With the moonlight on the sea you could see right out to the horizon, with the breeze offering its own comfort. This wonderful festival held on this southern island made me think, “I want to come again.””