Short Shorts Film Fetival & Asia 2016 in Osaka : 5th day !

Short Shorts Film Fetival & Asia 2016 in Osaka : 5th day !


The last day of Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2016 (SSFF & ASIA 2016) in Osaka 大盛況!

There was a flood of movies worth to check out on program!


At first, the gusts on the stage who made an appeareance ware, from of Moon of Sleepless Night winning Japan Competition Best Short Award / Governor of Tokyo Award at SSFF & ASIA 2016 and Award Winning Program (C), Ayako Hiroki (animator), Yoshihiro Nose(art) with the president of SSFF & ASIA, Tetsuya Bessho.




Explained that the while production took one year because of the unique way to shoot that for each second, they moved the figures which existed only one for each character and took a photo of it. Furthermore, and finally 300 000 photos were taken there!




“Before the shooting, every production staffs participated in a training camp at a mountain to study the moon light and shadow’s balance in nature for this project. ”




It will be pleasure that the audience would be able to feel our progression in the film, said Ms. Nose and Mr. Hiroki.


Another remarkable program of the day : Award Winning Program (A).

There were also Tetsuya Bessho, the president of SSFF & ASIA, the gusts from Audience Award Japan Competition Winner EVERYTIME WE SAY GOODBYE the director Kenji Kurata and the main actress Shio Murakami on the stage.




To the question that why did he choose the cancer as theme of this movie, his answer was that this movie is based on the real story happened on him with his late sister. Everybody around him said that it would be depressing one though, because his sister had got a cancer just before shooting and had taken care of her, it made him motivated to create something hilarious than gloomy.

And to the another question which is the most attractive point of short film ?, it is easy to watch because of their length and you could enjoy variousness of creators,answered Ms. Murakami.


Tesuya Bessho, he talked to the audience the short films with a totally unexpected history sympathizing them.



Kids dancers were also invited on the stage after the Children Program then they rocked the mood !

SSFF & ASIA 2016 in Osaka, actually enjoyable not only for creators but also for everyone closed the final curtain thus.