Columns on Southeast Asian film industry have started! Check out what’s happening in their filmmaking!

Columns on Southeast Asian film industry have started! Check out what’s happening in their filmmaking!

FO_PS_8During the 17th edition of our festival last month, we have held a screening and a symposium on Southeast Asian short films, with special guests from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Singapore, Timor-Leste and Philippines.
We will also organize the same project next year with the rest of Southeast Asian countries. Until next year’s festival, we will feature two columns a month regarding Southeast Asian film industry.

FOR_OFELIA-directorThis time, we have Christopher de las Alas from the Philippines who came to
the festival last month to present his film “For Ofelia.” His column is
titled, “My Experience Indie Filmmaking in the U.S. and the Philippines,” in which he tells us about the filmmaking environment in the Philippines as well as the difference of how films are made in the US and in Asia.
Please check it out!