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in focus

◆Pre-party at the U.S. Ambassador to Japan's residence!

The party at Ambassador Thomas Foley's residence began just after six o'clock at his residence in Akasaka in Tokyo. More than 100 people from the political arena and the arts were on hand to help us celebrate the beginning of American Short Shorts.

Ambassador Foley introduces the members of the Committee for American Short Shorts.
American Short Shorts staffer Douglas Williams introduces our visiting film makers.

And fortunately for our Committee, one of our supporters, Mr. George Lucas, was able to get away from his busy schedule promoting Star Wars the Prequel to attend the reception. We are very thankful to have Mr. Foley and Mr.  Lucas supporting American Short Shorts.

Ambassador Foley welcomes George Lucas at the foyer to the residence.
Staff members of Pacific Voice and Sunny Side Up are over whelmed by the extra ordinary party.

It was also a memorbale evening for the our visiting directors from the United States. Even the son of Ambassador Sugihara attended. Ambassador Sugihara is portrayed in the film. The former Ambassador to Lithuania is portrayed in one of the American Short Shorts films at the festival "Visas and Virtue" done by Academy Award winner Chris Tashima.

A dream photo with George Lucas for the directors at American Short Shorts.
Sugihara , son of the Ambassador Sugihara, here with director and star of "Visas and Virtue" Chris Tashima.

Both Chris and Rick Wilkinson, director of "A Short Wait Between Trains", head out on tour to Nagoya, Osaka and Naha for special screenings at the U.S. Embassy's American Centers there.

Ambassador Foley with director Rick Wilkinson.
Filmmaking is a natural topic for director Chris Tashima, George Lucas, Tetsuya Bessho and Helen Zeiberger.

A group photo at Ambassador Foleys favorite spot in the residence. The staff of American Shorts and all filmmakers, including George Lucas.


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