Sai-no Kim talks about "Hybrid,"
he likes to piss in a bottle!
Director Yohei Miura & lead actor Shogo Miyahara
of "The Three Wills"
Here we are Wed., 06/10 & well into our programs. For the Asia International & Japan Program D we had reps for 3 different films from 3 different countries. (I love when that happens)
1st up was director Sai-no Kim fro South korea who brought his Stop! Global Warming competition short titled "Hybrid." Without giving away too much, it's about a truck driver whose urine runs the engine of his truck. In the Q& A there was piss (s'cuse the language) talk flying all over the place! The answer to the question on everyone's mind; "How did he come up with the idea?", was not quite as dramatic as perhaps everyone was expecting. Sai-no told us that one day he was in a traffic jam in Seoul where he lives & had to pee very bad. Then he also ran out of gas... well, you never know where the best ideas for films come from, do you?
Next up was Juliette Veber who is from the New Zealand Film Commission and the sales rep for the film "Take 3" directed by Roseanne Liang, a New Zealand born Chinese who just had a baby so she couldn't make it to our festival. Juliette told us that Roseanne hadn't had a chance yet to see how Asian women would respond to her quite excellent story of stereo-typing in the movie world, something she experienced herself first-hand.
Finally was Yohei Miura who took part in the Q&A at the 1st screening in Omotesando Hill last week but this time out he brought his star actor Shogo Miyahara. Shogo told us he did not take any training or practice on mountain or rock climbing before the shoot but thanks to the guide ropes attached to the popular mountain route, he was able to pull it off without any serious damage or affect on his acting.
Good questions & interesting answers by all involved. Just makes my job a lot easier & more importantly, rocks the festival.
DJ John