The Music Shorts Competition. Beginning a new phase of the festival for the start of our second decade.

SSFF has been giving special awards to many musicians including Seiko Matsuda, Ringo Shiina, VERBAL (M-FLO), and ILMARI (RIP SLYME).
After celebrating our 10th anniversary last year,
SSFF has established a new Music Shorts Competition for our 11th year. Short films that unite music with visuals as the concept, this Music Shorts Program will feature various music clips from Korea and Japan. We hope that fans of music short films, which up to now might have been seen only on TV or on the internet, can appreciate and truly enjoy seeing them on a big screen.
We'll continue to develop this Music Shorts Competition in the following years by focusing even more on the creators. Not only for an artists' music promotion, the music clips themselves can evolve into short films. This would in turn become an even more effective promotional tool by widening the areas of exposure.
SSFF will work toward making a new exciting and accessible medium for both music and movie fans.

Mushic Short Competition-1 |
June 05th |
Omotesando Hills Space O |
19:40-21:30 |
June 13th |
Laforet Museum Harajuku |
19:50-21:40 |
Mushic Short Competition-2 |
June 06th |
Omotesando Hills Space O |
19:40-21:30 |
June 11th |
Brillia Short Shorts Theater |
17:10-19:00 |
Mushic Short Competition-3 |
June 10th |
Laforet Museum Harajuku |
19:50-21:40 |
June 12th |
Brillia Short Shorts Theater |
19:20-21:10 |