
Shaquille O'Neal / NBA Player
Hello Short Shorts fans. I’m Shaquille O’Neal of the Miami Heat. In 2004 I was named MVP of the All Star Game. I’m excited to offer my support to the Short Shorts EXPO.
I’ve been fortunate in my life to do what I love to do. The filmmakers’ work you are about to see, they are very passionate about what they do also. So hopefully you like it, and have fun this year at the Short Shorts EXPO.
Jun Kaname / Actor
Hello. I am Jun Kaname.
I thought that short films were just short versions of standard movies.
But now I realize that a short film stands as its own form, not a short version of a long movie.
Please enjoy the art and contents that are packed into each story.
Life is short!
Gekidan Hitori / Comedian
I’m Gekidan Hitori. Hello, Everyone at Expo theater.
I really love films, especially short shorts. They don’t have any extra padding. They are very similar to the short stories we use for our stand-up, so short films are very helpful to me.
Now, everyone, please enjoy short films and get excited!
Life is Short.
Alicia Silverstone / Actress
Hello, I'm Alicia Silverstone, and I'd like to welcome you to Short Shorts Film Festival at EXPO 2005.
The theme of this festival, NATURE'S WISDOM, is one that is of vital importance to each and every one of us. As you watch these films, I urge you to open your minds and your hearts to their message of compassion, responsibility and peaceful co-existence among all living creatures.
There are countless different ways that you can make a difference with just one small change in your daily habits. When you do something simple like recycling waste, or using only recycled or all-natural products, or, best of all, adopting a healthy vegetarian diet, you are not only helping the planet and all the living creatures around you, you're benefiting your own health and well-being.
If each of the 6 billion people inhabiting this earth were to make just a single small change, imagine what the combined effect would be!
The challenges facing our planet are real crises affecting our lives now. Making a change will not just make your children’s lives better, it will make your lives better. If we respect our planet and all the living creatures within it, it will give us and our children back so much more than we can ever imagine.
Enjoy EXPO 2005!
I am CHAGE and I’d like to say a few words of support for the festival.
In our world, we all are familiar with music videos and promotional films that combine sounds and visuals.
I believe that short films are one step ahead of these.
Now, I am getting absorbed in the world of short films.
I hope everyone else can also enjoy this world.
Life is Short !
Deepak Chopra / Doctor of Medicine
Hi. I’m Deepak Chopra. I’m the Founder and Educational Director of the
for Well-being. We pioneered the integration between western medicine and ancient healing traditions.
It’s my great pleasure to welcome you to the Short Shorts Film Festival in Aichi in
. I offer this project my whole-hearted support.
I’ve always believed that our true identity is the inseparability of the environment, our relationships, our physical bodies, our emotions, our minds, our intellects, and our souls.
The Short Shorts Film Festival will show you how these separate parts of ourselves go to make us who we are. I give this endeavor my full-hearted support, and with great enthusiasm welcome you to the Short Shorts Film Festival at Aichi EXPO.
Colin Powell / Former Secretary of State of the
United States
Hello to everyone at the Short Shorts Film Festival, I am General Colin Powell, former Secretary of State for the
United States of America
It is with great pride that I lend my name and support to the Short Shorts Film Festival.
In times of great adversity in our world, I commend an event that brings together people from all around the world in a peaceful celebration of our earth and the people who inhabit it.
Filmmaking may differ in scale and in style all around the world, but if you see in the program tonight, that outstands differences in style and scales, we all share basically the same human stories, the same experience regardless of where we live, what time we live in, or what our economic and social condition might be.
That is the power of cinema, and you will see a selection of films that I am proud to represent. This line up is the cinematic genius of the world's next generation film greats.
Enjoy the Short Shorts Film Festival Expo 2005.
Jet Li / Actor
Hello, I’m Jet Li. I’m honored to present these short films to you. Being a Buddhist, I cherish life very much. I hope everyone can learn about nature and help all life forms on earth. For example, there is a saying in Chinese, “The sky is like the father, and earth is like the mother”, because the mother is there to care and nourish. You can plant both the good and the bad, and they will both grow. I feel that humans should be appreciative of the fact that we’re part of this nature, this sky and earth. If we don’t protect nature, then what will happen to the next generation? How about the generation after that? I think this theme is great, because we all need to cherish life. I hope you, I, and everyone else will be able to sense the meaning behind these films. I hope you’ll enjoy watching these films. Thank you. |

※The supporters are listed in order of the Japanese phonetic alphabet. |