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image Hello everyone! This is Tetsuya Bessho, and thanks for accessing the official website for American Short Shorts.
I'm writing this note from home to tell you that I got together with a great group of friends to plan and execute this film festival that brings these American born shorts to Japan.

Bessho Tetsuya Doug&Koyanagi

I first came across short films about three years ago.  I have been involved in film making, and have lots of film maker friends, ever since I started in the movie business ten years ago in the United States. And as you know, I've been hosting the Academy Awards show in Los Angeles for NHK satellite television over the past five years.
It's through my trans-Pacific film project work, and my long stays in Los Angeles, that I discovered short film when a friend of mine invited me to a screening. It was there that I first got a taste of the world of shorts, and that's where I saw "Angry Boy", a short that is also in our festival.

Please check out our programs for more details on each film, but I can assure you that every film in the festival was selected from the best short films in the United States.

                                       by Tetsuya Bessho

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