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image It's Tetsuya again. How is everyone today? I am busy filming every day a new television drama and feature film. I'm battling a sore throat and a cold. It's going around Tokyo…be careful everyone!
The film festival preparation is moving along well.


Here's a photo of associate producer Douglas Williams and location director Mr. Koyanagi (don't know why he is covering half his face???). Douglas lives in L.A., and arrived to help out on May 21. Mr. Koyanagi has a history of successfully producing several large events in Japan.

Doug has a copy of Tokyo Classifieds in his hand, which is a free newspaper that targets the foreign community in Tokyo with information and articles. Our festival was featured in the May 22 issue of the Classifieds, check it out on page 5.

And the big news is 11 film makers will be coming to Japan to participate in this year's festival. Isn't that great? We are very grateful to Northwest Airlines and the ANA Hotel Group for making their trip possible. I'll write more on the film makers after they arrive in Japan.

                                       by Tetsuya Bessho

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