I was able to view, with great interest, the many short films from the "Stop! Global Warming Competition."
Of these films, full of ideas from around the world, those from Asia especially seemed to have less a sense of immediacy towards the ecology.
The films from the U.S. were made with a sense of completion and the level of craft including the use of CG to show the effects of a declining ecology was impressive.
I was privileged to screen and judge the nominated films of the Stop! Global Warming Competition with great interest.
The abundance of ideas that were used, the high level of sophistication in the use of animation, all made these short films very enjoyable.
I also developed a new awareness of the real difficulties in stopping global warming. I came to question strongly whether this was acceptable to leave behind to our children? Global Warming is caused by people. There has to be a solution.
As one person living on this planet, I must find something I can start to fight this problem immediately.
Before watching the films in the Stop! Global Warming Competition, I wondered what kind of films there would be. There were many films with beautiful images, easy to follow stories, and films that had original ideas that came out of nowhere that were very enjoyable.
However, as a theme, it is so serious, if things are left as they are, people, who continue to destroy the planet, will not be able to inhabit it.
The Jurors are listed in Japanese syllabary order.