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Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2010

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Home > Report > Report Detail LAFORET MUSEUM HARAJUKU




Friday evening, 06/18, 17:40 - International program F. Excellent Q&A.

Director Robin Jansen of
"Experiment" would not
answer the question did
she or didn't she.

Anthony West of "The Bedwarmers" warns on the dangers of wearing a tight
spandex bodysuit - you might come to like it!
Producer Geordie Taylor tells the audience that they might have caused some global warming in the tiny room they used for the bedroom.

Director James Blick of
Roof Rattling confesses
that he was a bad boy.


For the Q&A following this outstanding program, first we had Producer Geordie Taylor & Anthony West from the cast of the hilarious faux-doc "The Bedwarmers." 2 guys in skin-tight spandex leotards who go to your home to warm the bed. Of course, there really is a business that provides that kind of service now in Europe. I told Anthony & the audience that we should definitely have a "Biggest Cojones for Wearing the Most Embarrassing Costume Award" for next year. All agreed except for Anthony who won't get anything this year. An actor's pride, wear anything for any kind of role?!


Robin Jensen, the director of "Experiment" just would NOT let on about a key plot point no matter how much a certain member of the audience tried. Way to go Robin! Stick to your own idea of how a story should be perceived. I f you don't want to give away the punch-line or reveal too much, that's OK. Finally James Blick who brought his excellent "Roof Rattling" told us of his "bad boy" days as a young boy as an inspiration for his short. A young boy breaks into ann old man's house only to discover a secret that changes him forever. Guys, thanks for the great Q&A session.


DJ John

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