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2015 TOP Program The 4thVisual Tourism Award x Tabi Motion Japon Special Event A Walk together with Koshu, Japan

The 4thVisual Tourism Award x Tabi Motion Japon Special Event A


iTSCOM / 6/12 fri 11:20-13:10 Ticket reservations Access
Walk together with Koshu, Japan
Walk together with Koshu, Japan
Fumio Takanezawa/Yamanashi/2:30/Documantary/2015
Indenya has been loved by Koshu locals since it was founded in 1582, developing as part of the history of Koshu as a whole. Showing heartfelt gratitude to all the local residents, this short film was made in order to introduce the attractiveness of Koshu to the world.

Location : Yamanashi Prefecture
■About the Area
Koshu, known as "the city of the mountain," is located at the foot of Mount Fuji. It is a place where many traditions rooted in local life have blossomed. Making the most of rich natural resources, fruit growing, traditional industries, and unique festivals appear as some of the symbols of this attractive cultural city.

■Specialty Products
Peach, grapes and wine are popular specialty foods, whilst other products include Koshu Inden (pattern making), Japanese paper and tiles.
