CG Animation Program B
Martial Andre, Sara Ayoub, Benjamin Condy, Ariane Dedulle, Cécilia Maturi, Tatiana Tchoumakova/France/4:00/Animation/2014
Two identical kid puppets are playing ball. As they reach puberty, their gender identity shows up: one is a girl and the other one is a boy. The fraternal twins are therefore separated by two giant wooden hands and forced into traditional gender roles. They become manipulated lifeless marionettes.
Director : Martial Andre, Sara Ayoub, Benjamin Condy, Ariane Dedulle, Cécilia Maturi, Tatiana Tchoumakova
The directors of Amir & Amira are 2014 graduates of ESMA (Ecole Superieure des Metiers Artistiques). This film is their graduate film. They spent an entire year in collaboration from the plot, through the script writing, the character design, storyboard, modeling, rigging, layout, animation, surfacing, shading, lighting, fx, compositing, editing to the cinema.