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2015 TOP Topics DetailFRIDAY, 06/12, LAFORET MUSEUM HARAJUK...

Topics Detail

FRIDAY, 06/12, LAFORET MUSEUM HARAJUKU: 3rd program of the day - International A with Q&A guest Jonathan Desoindre with his film "Salt of the Earth."!

For the International Program A we had director Jonathan Desoindre join us for the post-screening Q&A for his short “The Salt of the Earth.” His wonderfully black comedy about a young bride-to-be who is taken to the country home of her fiancee & finds that his family is not quite as “down to earth” as they seem. Things go very very wrong from there. In the Q&A he was asked how he came to cast the wonderful actress Nelli Tsay as the brave heroine & he told us that after 4,5 days of auditions, he was getting discouraged when Nelli walks in & Jonathan immediately knew that she was the one. He remarked on her exotic beauty, she’s of Korean & Russian blood, but he also saw a dangerous side in her eyes & that was all he needed to cast her on the spot. We agree, she really is the one!

A very good Q&A & a big shout out to the amazing audiences who gather at our festival and asked sharp, interesting questions.

DJ John

Jonathan Desoindre, director of very cool "The Salt of the Earth."
Jonathan Desoindre, director of very cool “The Salt of the Earth.”







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