War and the Power to Live Proguram supported by Red Cross 2

Yokohama W&P 2
8/17 Fri. 17:00-18:30
8/19 Sun. 13:00-14:30


Marco Gadge/14:30/Germany/Drama/2017

Germany, at the end of WWII. The Red Army fight for every inch of ground in the streets of the city. Greta and her family are hiding in a cellar hoping for mercy. Greta’s father, however, intuits for a very good reason that the Soviets will take brutal re

Near Nazareth Festival 2017 (Israel) - Shorts Winner
Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival 2018 (Germany)
Crossroads Film Festival 2018 (USA)
Filmfest Dresden 2018 (Germany)

Director : Marco Gadge

Marco Gadge is a German film director and screenwriter. In 1990 he moved from his home village Wefensleben to Magdeburg. For the first time, he came
into contact with the medium of film. In Magdeburg he realized his first short films and music videos. In

8/17 Fri. 17:00-18:30
8/19 Sun. 13:00-14:30