Renee Webster tells all about her
copy-machine experience
Diane Duperret's reveals all the secrets
of making "Tango Lola"
For the 2nd program of our 6th day, Thurs., 06/11, we welcomed 1 director & 1 producer for the Q&A session after the screening. 1st up was Renee Webster from Australia who directed the office horror/romance (how's that for a genre!) "Edgar & Elizabeth". When asked about any difficulties encountered during the making, she told us about almost running out of film for a scene that would usually require several takes but the actors pulled it off in one take!
Diane Duperret, the producer of the charming stop-motion/claymation short "Tango Lola" replied to a query that the 6:00 short took over 2 months to complete with each second of footage requiring 24 frames shot individually, each time involving a tiny, detailed movement of the characters. A good example how even a short film requires painstaking labor to complete.
Hey, don't go away, we got a lot going on today!
DJ John