「映像に新たな革命、ドローン」 ドローン クリエイティブセミナー ~DJIがもたらす映像クリエイティブの未来~

These days, drones are playing an important role in research of disaster stricken areas and natural environments. They are reliable robots, and even though its technology is still under development, it is making a big contribution in the film/video industry as well. With drones, we can now capture videos from places man cannot enter. For instance, we can send drones to fly above world heritage sights, capture the cityscape from above, and shoot the beautiful and dynamic ocean from atop.

Before drones came by, helicopters were used for aerial shootings (shooting from a high level). Drones made it possible for anyone to capture professional aerial shots freely and cheaply. Having said that, we highly recommend that you attend a seminar on drones, hosted by “DJI”, the biggest drone company in the world. They will talk about the changes and the future of the creative industry brought on by drones, effective methods of using drones, and introduces case studies. This is a must-hear for all creators. With your creativity and this new method of shooting, you can become a short-film director in no time!
Details are here
- ライター情報 (日本語) 二十億光年ののり子
(日本語) 私は背の低い七三分けの学生です。