『Patriot』 移民問題、どう向き合う? カンヌ特集プログラム

Recently, we often see foreign guests in the city! Even today, when I was on the train, guests from abroad were sitting next to me. Even in local restaurants, I hear conversations in foreign languages. “Patriot”, a short film based in England depicts the issue of immigration and refugees in a serious tone.
It was a very deep film that made me think.
In “Patriot”, a boy from a caravan and a girl with a strong sense of nationalism meet. The action of each character is shocking to begin with, and each of them has a very deep message. Some scenes you may not get at first, but when you think about it, you will start to see things that went unnoticed. The last scene of this piece will stay with you for a while. I felt that the expression on the girl’s face during this scene accurately captured the weight of this issue. This film mirrors modern society. I hope many of you will watch it again and again.
Details are here
- ライター情報 (日本語) すらすら
(日本語) 「映画を観る時間がない…」「長い映画は苦手!」という方に、ショートフィルムはとってもおすすめです!短い時間でも、奥深いテーマと繊細な描写が詰め込まれているショートフィルム。まるでエスプレッソのような味わい深いショートフィルムの世界をご紹介します!