ファッション・ショートフィルムを映画館で体感しよう! 写真家レスリー・キーさん監督のショートムービー作品上映イベント開催!

On November 13th, 2015 Paris suffered a series of simultaneous terrorist attacks. That was a day surrounded in fear and sadness that can’t be forgotten.

At that time, my younger brother was studying in the UK and I got worried about him. I remember how scared he was when we talked. Even though Paris was far away, there was no reason not to experience the fear of those days personally.
Fear is a natural emotion for humans. But how are we affected by it these days?
Leslie Kee’s first short film THE INDEPENDENTS recalls the terrorist attacks using 3 keywords, each of which sets the theme for a film screened at this event.
Evant detail:I’m LESLIE KEE – we are the world. Date: June 4th (Sat)
Time: 13:30-15:10
Location: Omotesando Hills Space O
Price: Advance 1,500yen, At Door 1,800yen
- ライター情報 (日本語) すらすら
(日本語) 「映画を観る時間がない…」「長い映画は苦手!」という方に、ショートフィルムはとってもおすすめです!短い時間でも、奥深いテーマと繊細な描写が詰め込まれているショートフィルム。まるでエスプレッソのような味わい深いショートフィルムの世界をご紹介します!