世界最高峰のショートフィルムから受け取るメッセージ アカデミー賞プログラム
The works nominated in the Short Film category of the 88th edition of the American Academy Awards (2016) are screened as part of the Academy Awards Program. While it’s not well known that the Academy Awards have a short film category, La Maison en Petits Cubes by director Kunio Kato has won the Short Animation category in the past.

Synopsis:A divorced father picks up his eight-year-old daughter Lea. It seems pretty much like every second weekend, but after a while Lea can‘t help feeling that something isn’t right. So begins a fateful journey.

Synopsis:Amidst the Kosovan War, young Petrit finds a niche dealing cigarette papers to the occupying enemy troops and discovers the true intentions of the Serbians. When Petrit drags his best friend Oki into evermore high-risk situations, their relationship is tested as they learn the true meaning of friendship.
So, let’s take a look at two productions nominated for the Live Action Short Film category.
The original program brings together to the screen a wide variety of short films. And the works nominated for the world’s top award are only those which can pack a strong message for us in a short time. What would be your takeaway from each film? It’s definitely worth checking out.
- ライター情報 (日本語) 木江恭
(日本語) 小説、エッセイ、紀行文等々、何でも屋のもの書きを目指しています。趣味は創作、読書、映画鑑賞。SSFF & ASIA主催のプロジェクト「ブックショート(」にて作品公開中です。Twitter(では創作や映画の感想なんかを呟いています。