
“The big prize in short short story writing stipulates that it be a “story which might fit even onto a single sheet of Japanese writing paper.” The epitome of the short short story is, within a restricted word count, to cause the reader to exclaim, to be moved or to shiver. This is something that it has in common with a short film, which seeks to fascinate the audience in a short period of time: anything from a few minutes to a few dozen minutes. The enjoyment to be had from the long or the short format is particular to that format, and this pertains as much to novels as it does films. I really hope that you will encounter the spiralling pleasure of the short short story and short film at this event, and all the more so because of the extra fun that your own contribution brings to it. Details are here
- ライター情報 (日本語) 木江恭
(日本語) 小説、エッセイ、紀行文等々、何でも屋のもの書きを目指しています。趣味は創作、読書、映画鑑賞。SSFF & ASIA主催のプロジェクト「ブックショート(http://bookshorts.jp/)」にて作品公開中です。Twitter(https://twitter.com/kyokinoe)では創作や映画の感想なんかを呟いています。