国を超えて!ブリリア ショートショート シアター 6月9日レポート

Tim director of “bathtub” also have a photo with his brother , the same kind of setting on the movie.
Anja director of “Agnes”,
also has her brother that she loved liked in the movie.
Dogus director of “Random Attempts” said that script was made from some of real part of herself!
But most of the films comes from their memories and emotions were interesting!

On the second program, Asia International & Japan Competition 9
“Water Baby” Pia Shah (Director), Varun Shah (Producer)
“Korea – Korea -” Ryotsubasahigashi (Director)
“Blue” Yukinori Makabe (Director), Matsumoto Yurifa (Producer, Performer) came to the stage.

Watching the work of Pia director of India, many people remembered their childhood memory.
Ik director has a lot of passion challenged in his film. felt the strength of the core beyond the country and borders.

Makabe director and Matsumoto in how to make short movies were unique.
Matsumoto, who is also the singer had been pulled out to the maximum using her music in the film.

In International Competition 8, Full of customers,They had a hard time choosing a films to vote on their competition sheet. Of course “THE AUDITION” of (outside of competition) DiCaprio and De Niro, Pit, everybody was so so excited!!
Today’s 4th program was Focus on Belgium . featuring Genius, Jaco van Dormael ’s works and Drama, animation, comedy films screening. Everyone enjoyed the world of Belgium short movies also!
Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2016 continues until June 26.
Feel free to come to Tokyo & Yokohama ! !
By. JK
- ライター情報