6月5日 ブリリアショートショートシアター会場 上映プログラムレポート
Having achieved high levels of economic growth in recent years, “center of growth” Southeast Asia has received much attention from the international community.

In a joint venture with our festival, SSFF & ASIA and the Japan Foundation Asia Center launched a screening program and symposium in 2015 featuring 11 southeast countries over two years. Last year, we screened works from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Singapore, Timor-Leste, and the Philippines, and invited filmmakers from the film industries of these countries to speak at our symposium. This year, our program and symposium will feature short films from Vietnam, Brunei, Thailand, Malaysia, and Myanmar.
The theater was almost full, and the audience seemed to be enchanted with short films directed by young Southeast Asian directors.

2nd screening was “Focus on Belgium” in commemoration to the 150th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Japan and Belgium. Six shorts were introduced including Jaco Van Dormael’s (“The Brand New Testament”) 1985 short film “E Pericoloso Sporgersi,” which won Grand Prix at the prestigious Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival.

For the third screening, we had much younger audience: Kids!! One of our latest installations since last year, we were proud to present “Children” program this year again. Many kids between the ages 4 – 8 came to see the shorts with their parents, and the theater was filled with their excitement and amazement. Director Iku Ogawa of “I Wanna be Your Friend” came on stage to talk about the film after the screening. He said, the technique of stop animation takes a lot of time. For this short film, it took almost a half year. He said he didn’t particularly made the film for the kids. Although the film was made under his undergraduate project with supervision of Professor Koji Yamamura at the Tokyo University of the Arts, he ignored the advices of his professors, and he made it the way he envisioned in the beginning. Mr. Koji Yamamura is, of course, a veteran and prominent animator whose short “Mountain Head” was nominated as the best animation in the 2002 Academy Awards. The result is that the film became unique and dark at the same time.
The last program of the day was the “Music Shorts” Program 2. The three filmmakers of the program came on stage after the screening. They were Hiroshi Okuyama of “Baton,” Ryota Takahashi of “The Forest of Yamato” and the actor of the film, Kazuya Okuda. Dir. Okuyama’s dynamic film with the song which is the title of the film by specco depicts vividly the mental conflicts of high school boys. No wonder the director is still at the age of 19!
According to the dir. Takahashi of “The Forest of Yamato, ” he wanted to depict a leftover feeling after a separation, and the song he used by Maho Fukami suited the best. The actor Okuda who played the ex-boyfriend in the film said, “My task was to act in the way that my presence stayed in the girl’s heart after the separation.”
So, the first weekend of the festival at Brillia Short Shorts Theater is over, but there are more films to come during the whole month of June. Please come by immerse yourselves with short fims!
- ライター情報