オーディエンス投票!6月23日横浜ブリリアショートショートシアター レポート!
packed of great short films
Today’s program were mostly scheduled on the
audience vote programs.
International 5
Begins with “Beautiful”,
the prisoner of her own body to thriller film
“bird”…the way the bird moves and the storyline were
really shuddered!
I guess the audience vote has divided because
each film has a unique storylines !
Did you able to find your favorite film to vote?
In the Fashion Short program.
Kenji Hirano director of “Je Te Veux” appeared as our guest.
His world of Fashion film are like
painting moving on the screen.
way of using colors,angles,script were full of originality.
We interview about the time in
winning the world fashion film festival ASVOFF,
the future of fashion film ,also production secret story.
He just finished in one day shooting in Tokyo Katsushika!
that’s interesting!!
The standing position in fashion film is not clear.
That’s why, it’s interesting and brand image,
the power in the same way as fashion,it will go on to the future !
Hirano director will be one of the person
who will lead the Fashion films to next generations!
If you are interrested,try to search more about
fashion film .
Maybe you could able to check on your favorite brand!
International 4
Drama, comedy, documentary, thriller , variety of
Genre on this category!
Each work was amazing and create a national quality.
everyone who watched the film, they surely got a new discovery .
like the title that was last screening “rated”,
Which film will you feel to give a lot ★
in this audience competition?
Today last program was Asia International & Japan 2.
Takeshi Tanaka director from FIVE PERCENT MAN came to the stage.
Surprise was that he finished taking all of this work
in two days! That’s speed working!
The real movie director in addition to actors,
He requested the adlib lines to put a more reality
to create a scene.
![IMG_9036 (1)](http://shortshorts.org/2016/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/IMG_9036-1-300x199.jpg)
This is also an audience-vote program.
Kyrgyzstan, India’s unique story, and
the films that tell us realistic environment of the people
involved in the movie.
Also Akutagawa Prize writer, Naoki Matayoshi on “Umisyu”
as a special category.
Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2016
is finally until this Sunday, June 26th!
Come to join the fun in Tokyo, Yokohama both venue!
Of course, admission free! !
By. JK
- ライター情報