Special Short Film Program Celebrating 150 years of Friendship between Belgium and Japan. From the brilliant mind behind “Toto the Hero,” “The Eighth Day,” and “Mr. Nobody,” we bring to you JacoVan Dormael’sclassic short film.
“È pericoloso sporgersi” tells the story of a child who has been thrust into a position where he must make an impossible decision. This short film went on to become the basis of the feature film “Mr. Nobody.” (38 words)
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Hanging a painting on the wall, building a house of cards, doing the laundry, and watching TV: utmost innocent and harmless actions in the daily lives of four ordinary people. But of all the bad luck, these people had to live next to each other.
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‘I am surprised it took so long before people talked about a trend as sushi was already hot in the nineties. Used to be a thing to eat in New York and took very long to break through here,’ says the man on the radio. It’s late afternoon somewhere in a big city. A woman enters with a laundry basket and starts ironing… A portrait of a family in our modern civilization, captured in real time.
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Henry passes away on his deathbed. He expects to go to heaven. When Walburge the angel, responsible for the post-mortem administrative procedure, appears, she wants to send him for 1,000 years of purgatory first. Will he be able to convince the angel to change her mind?
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The brothers ‘De Smet’ are helping each other to make their lives as singles as enjoyable as possible. When a new woman moves into a house in their street, their synergy turns out to be a house of cards.
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An independent dance animation about dreams, fears, and aspirations made with 4000+ hand-cut characters, “Little Dreams” shows someone trapped by both the past and their worries of the future. Stuck, he creates a world from his memories and dreams to confront his fears.
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