いよいよSSFF&ASIA 2016 開幕!安藤サクラ出演の『SEED』 by MIU MIUが話題賞受賞 芥川龍之介『鼻』をもとに創作した短編小説『HANA』のショートフィルム化など 今年も話題作多数!
At the opening ceremony, held on the eve of the festival, five awards will be announced

Furthermore, “HANA”, a short film starring Natsumi Okamoto(modal for “Seventeen”) that is based on the 1st Book Shorts Award winner, and the SABON GIFT SHORT FILM PROJECT Special Production “PLAN B” will be premiered. We shall also welcome AKIRA and Sho Aoyagi as presenters, Leslie Kee as the official photographer, and LiLiCo, our Festival Ambassador, as special guests at the event.
1st Book Shorts Award Winner Short Film: “HANA”

“HANA”, winner of the 1st Book Shorts Award, a project that turns short stories into short films, is a story based on Ryūnosuke Akutagawa’s famed work “Hana” (The Nose). In the original work, the protagonist has self-esteem issues due to the size of his nose. In this re-write, however, it’s a high school girl that has a complex about the size of her chest that takes center stage. Through the depiction of this young girl, who is helped along the way by her friends when she is gifted a chest enlargement drug, this work delicately portrays how humans can overcome their all to common hang ups.
The lead is played by Natsumi Okamoto, a model and actress who has worked for publications such as “Seventeen”, and in the role of her rival, Kyoko, is the up-and-coming actress Yui Kitamura. The SNS-loving, comedic character Reika will be played by Reika Oozeki, a Vine user known for having largest number of followers in Japan and someone who has also demonstrated her talents in both film and television. Ritsu, Hana and Reika’s close friend, will be played by Karin Ono, whilst comedian Ryuhei Ueshima(Dacho Club) will appear as the Japanese teacher, and comedian Yutty will play the part of the basketball club supervisor. The theme song is “Supliminal Diet” by the lyrically ingenious Charisma.com.
Official website
2nd Book Shorts Award

Award Winner: “Yuki no ijō-na taishitsu/ mata wa boku wa dore hodo o-kane ga hoshi ka”
Author: Ao Oomae
On the day of a record-breaking snowstorm a woman suddenly appears in a room.As she takes breaths, the face of the protagonist’s sleeping father pales and dies.
The woman responsible for his death returns to the room the next winter, whilst meanwhile the protagonist has moved in with a mercenary woman. One morning, water begins to accumulate in a bucket…
The best works can be read in full onlineat the Book Shorts website.
Submissions for the 3rd Book Shorts Award will open in August 2016.
Save the Earth! Competition
This competition screens films addressing environmental issues, including works that showcase ecological lifestyles on an individual level as well as films that depict issues such as global warming on an international level. It highlights works that use the power of film to make us think about the environment. This year is was “Running Through Life” that won both the Best Short Award (Minister’s Award, the Ministry of Environment) and the J-WAVE Award.
Winner of the Best Short Award (Minister’s Award, the Ministry of Environment) & J-WAVE Award

“Running Through Life”
As a woman runs through the city, she can hear the stress of those around her. On the verge of collapse, she is becoming overwhelmed by her thoughts.

SABON, creator of popular bath products and body care items that incorporate minerals from Israel’s Dead Sea, and the international film brand ShortShorts came together to create the “SABON Gift Short Film Project”, gathering scenarios written by SABON gift givers and gift recipients. The best scenario was then turned into a short film.
Director: Hatsuki Yokoo / Japan / 9:00 / Comedy / 2016
A woman is invited to the half-birthday party of the daughter of her friend and his wife. But she suddenly recalls something and sprints out of the house. On route she passes people who have the chance to choose an alternative future for themselves. What is the future she is hurtling towards…
Screening Schedule ※※Film is shown as part of Program A&J-9. There are 4 films screening in total
June 9 (Thu) 15:30~17:10 Brillia Short Shorts Theater
June 11 (Sat) 11:30~13:10 LaForet Museum Harajuku
June 18 (Sat) 11:30~13:10 Brillia Short Shorts Theater
June 23(Thu) 19:30~21:10 SHIDDAX CULTURE HALL
『PLAN B』Official website
avex digital Award
The avex digital Award has been established by SSFF & ASIA together with avex digital, a leader in the entertainment industry’s video market. Bringing together the shared philosophy of these two companies, the aim of the competition is to exceed international borders in supporting the realization of a genuinely interesting short film pitch submitted under the theme “Thrilling, Exciting, Moving”. Up to 100 million JPY in production costs will be made available to the winning pitch. This search for new talent targets filmmakers and producers working in a world where even the most excellent pitches can be regarded as unfeasible.

Award Winner: Marina Krarova (Director, Writer)
Born in Kazakhstan in 1973, she is a scriptwriter and director. She began working in the film industry at the age of 17, and worked as a director’s assistant for 15 years. Following this, she began directing commercials, documentaries, TV series and movies, whilst also writing screenplays. She was a participant in John Truby’s training program.
Spotlight Award: “SEED”
Awarded to an individual or work that contributes to the development and popularization of short film culture.
Created for the 11th edition of the short film project “MIU MIU WOMEN’S TALES”.

LEXUS SHORT FILMS: 3rd series -『Friday Night』World Premiere
In 2013 Lexus Short Films was launched with the goal of supporting and nurturing a new generation of emerging filmmakers. Through this, aspiring directors and writers have had a unique opportunity to collaborate with the renowned The Weinstein Company in producing and showcasing their work on the international stage. For the 3rd Lexus Short Films series, Lexus and The Weinstein Company crowdsourced director submissions from the filmmaking community worldwide. The theme for this series is “Anticipation”, a provocative and nuanced thought-starter providing filmmakers an innovative platform for their imaginations. The four selected filmmakers will be invited to interpret the meaning for their own narrative and to tell a story based around their vision.

Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA)、will be held from June 3 (Fri) to June 26 (Sun), 2016 over five venues in Tokyo and one venue in Yokohama.
Check the web site!
- ライター情報